Youthful Vibrant Energy Can Be Yours!
Good For The Body, Good For The Mind
Imagine a small child at play running and jumping with boundless enthusiasm. Children have an endless supply of energy and vitality that most adults can access if they only knew how.
Many adults have trouble even remembering a time when they had this much energy.
There are ancient breathing and relaxation secrets that will help you reclaim this youthful vitality, and fill every day with life, joy & endless possibilities.
You can learn these ancient breathing and relaxation secrets to reclaim youthful energy, and fill every day with vitality, joy & endless possibilities.
Ignite the power within you to change your life
It is our goal to help you and your loved ones gain and enjoy the benefits of health, vital energy and long life.
Once learned, Clear Breath is a treasure that will last you a lifetime.
Clear Breath Series $2973 DVD Set on Breathwork, Health & Vitality
The Potential health benefits of daily Clear Breath & Relaxation practice include:
- Increased energy
- More Sexual Stamina, endurance and size
- Improved muscle size, strength and stamina
- A Stronger immune system
- Improved balance, coordination and posture
- Improved blood sugar levels in diabetics
- Improved heart and lung function
- Shorter recovery time from illness
- Reduced stress, anxiety and depression
- Help to relieve pain and stiffness from arthritis
- Improved circulation & lower blood pressure
- Aid in relieving insomnia
- Improved memory and concentration
Breath Work is Endorsed By a Number of Health Organizations around the World
- Harvard Medical School
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- National Institute of Health
- National MS Society
- Mayo Clinic
- World Health Organization
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Association of Retired Persons
- American College of Rheumatology
- American Geriatric Society
- Arthritis Foundation
- American Federation for Aging