4oz Moves 1000lbs
This DVD contains 2 workshops that where held near Washington DC, in 2013 and in 2017.
Workshop 1
- 4oz Moves 1000lbs – learn how to use minimal force to manipulate the opponent.
- Hua Jin (neutralizing) – learn how to neutralize the opponents force when they push or strike you.
- Borrowing – learn to use the opponents force against them.
Workshop 2
- Precision Hua (spiral energy) – The greatly enhanced and expanded curriculum on Neutralizing force, shot on location at a private workshop in Maryland, near Washington D.C. This instruction takes you step-by-step, further than ever before on how to subtly Neutralize force while your opponent still thinks he has you. With this instruction, you will even be able to send the force back to your opponent without doing anything extra!

Is the DVD 2 silkreeling and spiraling energy the same as the lessons on line, or is there more information.
The first half of the DVD is the 4oz moves 1000lbs workshop which we have not released anywhere before. The second half of the DVD is the spiral energy workshop which we made available to folks who became Internal Combat Arts Members before the end of 2013.