Bone Marrow Washing is a Chi Kung method that rejuvenates the bone marrow and makes the bones stronger, more pliable and more flexible.
It’s Most Famous Benefit is the Youth Effect It Creates.
In addition to stronger bones, bone marrow washing builds up a surplus of stored Chi energy in the bone marrow. This is commonly thought of by many Chi Kung masters as stored Jing.
It also helps to settle the overall body Energy as well.
Regular practice of marrow washing has been reported to slow and even reverse the effects of bone loss. When it’s combined with the heavy weight bearing aspects of Tai Chi these benefits are magnified.
How Hard Can It Be?
A lot of the published info on Bone Marrow washing is very long on theory and very light on the how.
Bone marrow washing is often considered a high level or advanced Chi Kung skill.
And there are many different methods from the esoteric and difficult to the exceptionally weird and bizarre.
However there are methods that are simple and can be learned quickly by a beginner.
Bone marrow washing involves both deep breathing and visualization practice.
If you can feel something than you can affect it, and the chi follows the mind. So once you learn to feel inside your bone marrow then you can direct energy there for storage and healing/rejuvenation.
Marrow Washing Can Even Replace Sleep
For example the method taught in Sigung Clear Chi Energy book can replace about 4 hours of sleep with 20 minutes of practice. This is not the recommended usage, but it can be very helpful in a pinch.
For more on Bone Marrow Washing and other advanced Chi Kung, check out the Chi Energy: Activation Cultivation & Flow Book & DVD
I know this sounds “out there.” Yet I am fascinated by the
study of healing phenomena. Is it possible to transfer bone marrow washing energy to someone else with distant healing techniques?
thanks i want methods about bone merrow and gard qigong
iran palm please give me these methods
Bone Marrow washing is taught on the following products:
Chi Energy Book & Chi Energy DVD
Internal Iron Body in 100 Days: Secrets of Tai Chi Iron Body
Clear Breath Vol 3: Breathing for Longevity
Iron Palm is taught on this DVD:
Internal Iron Palm in 100 Days: Secrets of Tai Chi Iron Palm
Sigung Clear never (to my knowledge) mentions this, in any of his videos or articles. Yet I have noticed something amazing through my own practice. I noticed that ever since I started seriously religiously practicing Bone Marrow Washing every day, I have never gotten sick. I haven’t caught a single cold, flu, fever, stomach bug, sniffle, runny nose, nothing. This is not for lack of exposure. Am I unique here? This seems to be one of Bone Marrow Washing’s many unsung benefits.
Hello Byron.
Marrow washing does seem to boost the immune system. It also tends to ease the symptoms if you do catch a bug. Sigung Clear is often the only one in his house to avoid a cold or flu bug when it comes around, and he never appears sick even when he does catch something.
i read that if you practice zhan zhuang for a long time and at a high level that you will naturally have bone marrow washing. is this true?
Hello Tim,
The simple answer is, “Not likely.” The more complicated answer depends on what is meant by “at a high level.” If your zhan zhuang has a specific marrow washing component that you have trained into it, then it is possible, but it will not “come naturally” without any additional work on your part. It can have a certain strengthening effect on the bones, but that is not the same as Marrow Washing, which rejuvenates the marrow itself.
Does the marrow washing effect happen to all bones of the body eg spine, skull etc?