Fa Jing & Karate Q&A

We got a good question from Kyle Beck a couple days ago about Fa jing and I think the answer may help some other folks out there understand some of the differences and similarities between Tai Chi, Fa Jing & other martial arts.

Q: I train in traditional Okinawan Shorin-Ryu karate and the strikes/blocks that are taught to us have, in my somewhat unclear understanding, the same principles of Fa Jin.

Your relaxed in yoi, you pivot hips waist and shoulders to launch the strike, but there is only agility and focus-no power, as the hips sway back around and the strike is launching, you don’t turn your wrist around straight, generate full power, and release the “Kia” until right before the point of impact, at which time your once again relaxed at ease and your hips and shoulders rock back and at ease as well.

I explained that the best I could, because I want to have a clear understanding of the difference between shorin-ryu’s technique and Fa jin’s technique.

I love and respect all martial arts and would like to gain as much knowledge and experience as much as possible. – Kyle Beck

A: Hi Kyle, Good question.

It sounds like the technique you described would produce some Fa Jin if it is done well and the point of impact is timed just right.

The difference is that with the Tai Chi I want to take the explosive power (fa jin) and refine it, focus it and increase it a whole lot more. Then I want to make it internal. The goal is to be able to express that explosive force with any technique, at any time & and through any part of my body. Next I want to be able to do all that with as little effort as possible. So that when I’m 80 & 90 I can still deliver this kind of power without injuring myself. Another important component is the sensitivity to feel and target specific areas inside an opponents body. This is important because if my mobility is limited when I’m older I may not have the luxury of striking my opponent where I want to, but I still need to be able to do enough damage from where I’m at with whatever I can make contact with to end the fight.

A lot of our youtube videos have examples of different types of Fa Jing in them. If you haven’t watched to many of those yet they may help some.

For training on these kinds of skills I recommend starting with our Internal Power DVD. There are a whole bunch of drills on there that will build these skills and let you feel hands on some of what I’m talking about. The Fa Jing section on that DVD is actually pretty short, but you need a lot of the other skills on there to do it. It will also give you a lot of the building blocks necessary for more advanced types of Fa Jing as well as other internal skills.

The other thing about Fa Jing is that there are many different kinds. Ideally I want to get good at as many different types as possible and then start combining them for even more power with even less effort.

I hope this helps some. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask.

– Ben


  1. Laoshi Moses says

    The total body and limbs seem to become on big defibilator..How’s that for a comparison my martial brothers..Tai-Chi,Baqua,and HsingI are total body power..See the book by Mark Chen Old Frame Chen Family TaijiQuan..Very few have the level of internal training to use minimum efforts.There are many tricksters.this level comes with much time to transform,and internalize both parties energies to the ground and bounce it back through..I feel Sigung Clear has the knowledge,and possibly the skill level to bring this level to fruit..

  2. Hello

    I have found that there is a very keen connection between Okinawan Karate and the Chinese systems as a whole. And in energy transfer. I have been blessed to be working on my 32yr in the martial arts. With Dan ranks in: Okinawan and Japanses Karate, Parker Kenpo, and Aikido. I also have teacher’s certifications in Fu lin Chi Kung Fu, Yang Stlye Tai Chi Ch’uan, and Jeet Kune Do. What I have found, that with Okinawan Yudansha, they rarely, if ever, present anything of substance to NON-Okinawans! I have seen elements of Fa-Jing that you are all speaking of from Masters like: Fusei Kise (whom I received my Renshi/4h Dan from in Matsumura Shorin) and Eihachi Ota (Received my 4th Dan from in Matsubayashi Shorin). As well as the Late Tsuyoshi Chitose’… All of these names were my teachers at some part of my almost 32yrs of humble training. I will say this, do not presume that what you overall see in today’s Karate, on the surface, is all that there is, it is not! There is a great, GREAT deal segregated away from us, Non-Okinawans.You can find this technology, but it’s like fumbling around in the dark, triping over the furniture, until finally, finally you begin to get the lay of the area. Theye will be no one to take your hand and guide you, in most cases… Careful, don’t step on the cat!!!!

    Bill Conley
    4th Dan/Renshi Matsumura Shorin Karate
    4th Dan Matsubayashi Shorin Karate
    3rd Dan Isshin Ryu Karate
    1st Dan Chito Ryu Karate
    1st Dan Parker Kenpo
    4th Dan Aikido
    Advanced Teacher’s First Rank Fu Lin Chi Ch’uan Fa and Yang Tai Chi Ch’uan
    Advanced First Teacher’s Rank Jeet Kune Do

    • “they rarely, if ever, present anything of substance to NON-Okinawans!”

      Unfortunately this is a problem in many martial arts including Tai Chi. What’s even worse is that when a student is taught incorrect or poor quality information the student often learns the “fetish of secrecy” of their teacher and then the student passes it on the their students. Then you very quickly end up with Tai Chi Instructors who can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag and they try to rationalize this lack of understanding by saying they do “Tai Chi for Health.”

      Of course Tai Chi should be healthy, but the qualities that provide it’s amazing health benefits are the exact same ones that make it very effective as a martial art. Sifu Clear just wrote a great article on the “Tai Chi for Health” phenomenon. Look for that article to be posted tomorrow.

      This is one of the big differences between our Tai Chi and Silat curriculum and most of the other training publicly available.
      We don’t wast time on formalities and training techniques that were designed to slow a students progress. We break every thing down and show you exactly what you need to achieve the health benefits and fighting skills that Tai Chi became famous for.

      One simple example of this is the Clear Tai Chi Big 8 Move Set. There’s no excuse for making a student learn choreography for many months or years. 8 moves are more than enough if you have a teacher who can and will teach you the internal principles and energetics that make Tai Chi so effective.

  3. Fa Jing is simply the explosive release of energy –
    To apply this type of release in the external or internal arts requires an individual to do a few things at once.
    Fa Jing requires – simultaneous loosening of muscles, sinking of the energy to the feet, contracting the tendons and lengthening your skeletal system. While this may sound complex it is actually relatively easy to do. Practice “Fa Jing” while doing your form or kata – – just do it very slow when you start and you will get the feeling

    • It is also important to remember that there are many different kinds and levels of Fa Jing. And the way in which it is produced will vary quite a bit from one method to another.

  4. Clarification – – It is the Authentic Yang Style TCC that uses these components in their method of energy expression

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