Tai Chi Dim Mak is a very deep subject. Tai Chi Dim Mak includes pressure point striking, Internal Jing expressions to develop various kinds of force transfer and Internal Dim Mak.
What is particularly interesting to me about Tai Chi Dim Mak is that the deeper internal aspects I wrote about in the Internal Dim Mak post are trained and studied and the meridian pressure points are also studied as the Tai Chi moves are designed so that they automatically are hitting the correct pressure points in the correct order to cause knockouts, internal damage and even death.
Generally, if someone has been shown the basic pressure points that a particular Tai Chi move strikes then they tend to remember because the approach and order of point strikes is very obvious to anyone who actually practices the Tai Chi moves. This part of the study is not so difficult and is only painstaking if you choose to memorize all of the point names and what they do etc..
Tai Chi Dim Mak includes striking, rubbing / brushing, seizing, bumping, sending internal energy into an opponent and sending an opponents own energy back into them before, during and after it has been expressed. Sending the energy back into an opponent requires training in Tai Chi body quality, energy transfer and sensitivity. Literally you feel the energy and gather it and then send it back to them usually through a touch but also with mind intent. This truly is high level but well within reach for those who work on the necessary skills.
In Tai Chi Dim Mak feeling and neutralizing the opponents intent and sending their energy back into them at the instant that they start to issue it is considered to be one of the highest level skills. Sensitivity to be able to feel what they are doing and what they are intending to do is the most critical skill to develop the timing for this kind of Tai Chi Dim Mak. One of the nice benefits of training the internal sensitivity is that timing and sensitivity improve with age which means that this kind of skill can be performed into very advanced years as can be seen by observing the advanced practitioners of Tai Chi who seem to become more able, healthy and powerful as they age. Several of my teachers who have this and many other skills at a high level are in their mid 70’s and quite impressive to work with.
Tai Chi Dim Mak eventually trains the practitioner so that with just a touch they can impart serious damage. At the same time the Tai Chi practitioners at this level can also do some amazing energetic healing. These are the two sides of the same energetic coin.
Striking, rubbing, brushing, seizing, bumping would also
include raking? (rubbing). If I strike an acupoint, then rake
down a series of acupoints in close to that same area, would a
highly skilled Tai Chi Dim Mak practitioner be able to gather
that energy and send it back into me before I complete my
strike/rake and break the contact with his body?
Now that I think about it and answer my own question I would
probably not even be able to make contact with him.