Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise

Simple Method to begin Diaphragmatic Breathing

First to recap from the last post and cover our legal bases:

You may experience light-headedness, headache or other similar symptoms when trying abdominal breathing – if you do – stop practicing the breathing method(s) for now and consult a health care professional before continuing as this could be a sign of a serious medical issue that can readily be addressed by proper medical care but if left untreated could be quite serious.

Starting proper breath work

When starting proper breath work it the idea is to learn how to breathe so that you always diaphragmatically breathe as your normal state without having to think about it anymore. This will take some practice to achieve but the health benefits are well worth it.

This and much more will be covered in our Diaphragmatic Breathing Video.

  1. Exhale “all” of your air out of your mouth to a count of 8 while pushing in with your belly
  2. Then breathe in through your nose and fill all the way back up with air to the count of 4 while letting your belly expand.
  3. When done properly you should feel like the air is rushing from your nose strait into your belly and there should be very little movement in your chest.
  4. Now that you have felt diaphragmatic breathing simply relax and continue to belly breathe in & out from your nose.

Other items covered on our Diaphragmatic Breathing video include:

  • Breathing with Exercises
  • Some Guided Breathing & Relaxation Exercises
  • Rapid Relaxation Techniques To release tension & stress
  • More advanced Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises
  • Maximizing the benefits of abdominal breathing
  • & More


  1. Thanks for the refresher on diaphragmatic breathing. For most people its relearning how to breath all over again. Getting back to how we breathed when we were babies.

  2. Just wanted to ask if you could elaborate a little on what underlying health issues to your knowledge might be present if one does begin to experience any unusual symptoms from beginning to practice diaphramatic breathing? Thanks.

    • Sigung Clear says

      Hi Jim,
      First, I am not a medical doctor and cannot give medical advice. I always have to say this in order to make sure my legal bases are covered.

      Now, if you have heart problems the practice of diaphragmatic breathing can bring them to light. Signs can range from heart flutters to light headedness or extra tightness in the chest among other possibilities. If you experience anything strange that seems unpleasant or possibly unhealthy please get with a medical doctor right away.

      Best Regards.
      Sigung Clear

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